Appointment of a panel of legal experts to render legal services to Vaal Central Water for a period of three(3) years on an as and when required basis.
Tender to appoint two(2) service providers for the maintenance, audit, repair, and upgrade of existing and new fire preventative systems at Vaal Central Water Board sites for a period of three(3) years (as and when needed)
Request for proposal (RFP): Vaal Central Water Board intends to procure the service of an experienced, reputable, effective, and efficient search/placement firm to facilitate the water boards executive search for Chief Executive, Executive Management and related positions.
Panel of contractors in the mechanical, electrical, and civil works for maintenance and new construction of water and sanitation distribution networks for all secondary activities of Vaal Central Water for a period of 36 months.
Request for proposal (RFP): request for proposal to appoint a suitably qualified service provider to undertake a once off organisational redesign process with Vaal Central Water.
Appointment of a panel of professional firms for financial management and asset management services, to render services and hands-on support to Vaal Central Water on an as-and-when basis for a period of 36 months.
Appointment of panel of travel management service providers for the provision of travel management services to Vaal Central Water for a period of 36 months, as and when required.